Is pornhub banned in south carolina

Is pornhub banned in south carolina

Fain: That's what they're arguing, yes, and obviously there would be pushback from the device-makers at that point, I'm certain, and how that would all work I don't know. Subscribe Now Breaking News. Abortions in SC fell dramatically after state ban took effect. Skip to content. You can get in touch with James by emailing j. By Ayesha Rascoe ,. What exactly does it require adult sites to do, and what happens if a website doesn't comply? Amy Galey, who is an Alamance County Republican — she was one of the people who pushed this, although it had wide bipartisan support when it passed last year — she says, 'Hey look, I'm willing to work with anybody to make this law better. So if a parent sees that their child has gotten on one of these websites and they're under 18, they can actually file a lawsuit against one of these companies. Top stories. In addition, mandating age verification without proper enforcement gives platforms the opportunity to choose whether or not to comply. While safety and compliance are at the forefront of our mission, giving your ID card every time you want to visit an adult platform is not the most effective solution for protecting our users, and in fact, will put children and your privacy at risk.

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