Is pornhub blocked in japan

Is pornhub blocked in japan

Recruitment, exploitation, compulsion, or the persuasion of a child to participate in pornographic shows, as well as the participation in such shows which involve the participation of children, shall be punishable by five to ten years of imprisonment. Production and distribution of pornographic materials or items of a pornographic nature "1. Sign Up for Free and enhance your experience. Legal Information Institute. Retrieved I understand what you're saying, but I'm taking a literal interpretation of the law here. Japan had earlier banned the production and distribution of child pornography in That's not the same as possession. Post reply. This did not however mean that porn was banned. Unable to speak out against the results of the atomic bombs and to assimilate with other Japanese citizens, most Hibakusha had to live in isolation within the homes of their family. Illegal, Punishable by Death Penalty.

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