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Episode: "Summer Splash Spectacular" [59]. Close Modal Window. Lifestyle Autoblog. Archived from the original on September 8, Style Yahoo Life Shopping. Siwa said her fans and followers on TikTok made her aware over the weekend that her name and image were used to promote the game, manufactured by Spin Master, that has "some really inappropriate content. The post was quickly flooded with comments from viewers - many of whom were unaware of the star's singing credentials. Thats not a joke, she actually posted a video of herself dressed as Draco Malfoy half naked. Archived from the original on June 21, So I had no idea of the types of questions that were on these playing cards. Of course, Abby Lee Miller had to comment on the video and she said that she loved it. She said in an interview with Billboard, "I want to start a new genre of music [

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