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He looked at her with begging eyes as she finally gave in and got down on her knees in front of him. Giorgia apparently you're pregnant? Giorgia- hey Char Giorgia laughed as Charli came into the room, she smiled and walked over to her 'mom', sitting down in her lap and looking over at Jaden expectantly. Giorgia- you look hot right now Giorgia tugged at the inside of Jaden's blazer as he laughed a bit and looked down at his girlfriend. Jaden- fuck yes- oh just like that He kept his moans as quiet as he could so nobody else would hear him but Giorgia could and it just encouraged her even more. Jaden- oh yeah? After a minute Giorgia tightened her grip on his hips to signal for him to stop which he did. But childhood is something you can never get back. Giorgia- what the fuck Giorgia- it's like an upgrade of my necklace that you stole a year ago. Giorgia- I'd be gone for 6 months Travis- well I WAS sure

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KARAOKE PORNHUB / coachmartygross.info