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Subjects Human behaviour Information technology Public health Software. These individuals are motivated to seek help, but the help is largely currently unavailable. The inclusion of implicit terminology would give rise to ethical concerns about censorship. Retrieved 20 August One example that came up was the rape scene in Stanley Kubriks "A Clockwork Orange"; Once upon a time it was indeed banned in the UK, but the movie is now legal. We find the age information in total for , search sessions. From to , we collect online content from , unique onion domain addresses. And they figure out what being ruled by credit card companies means for the porn industry today. As a consequence, the only people technically banned from face sitting and spanking content are those trying to produce it in the UK. The survey does not request any personally identifiable information from respondents — such as age, country, or gender — that would put privacy at risk. Archived from the original on 10 February But I believe most users think consent is implied.

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