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She is self aware — she makes fun of herself and her family, but it is a gentle and self-contained humour. When this book came out, it was ground-breaking. Melina Marchetta understood teenagers. She knew they were more stoic than popular culture and Dolly magazine gave them credit. For younger readers, Sally Rippin has written a beautiful book called Our Australian Girl: Meet Lina — a series of stories about Lina, an Italian-Australian girl growing up in the s. I love the classics. Josie may have mentioned that the Italians kept Telecom in business, but this book was written before the era of common mobile phone use. So I understood that Looking for Alibrandi is not so much a story about finding yourself, but more about finding out how you relate to other people, and learning to see from their perspectives. That can take you eighty years and you do something in that time. Sexy babes with big tits swim underwater in the pool 5 min. Rather than disdain or fear, we should feel privileged that we have access to these tomes. We were ignorant.

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