Madres putad

Madres putad

Hahaha, fantastic! Warning - do not confuse Love that you picked up on the expression in that movie and were able to put it to good use in your life. Get the Lingvist app Get the Lingvist app No thanks. The Boy That Life Forgot Puta is short for prostituta. We edited it together as we drove across Europe…getting to know each other even deeper. Most people in the English-speaking world know tacos as the ingenious folded-tortilla meat and salsa delivery mechanism PSA: If you have only ever tried a hard shell supermarket Old Paso brand taco that cracks into a mosaic of five isosceles triangles the instant you lay a finger on it, open a new tab and buy a flight to Mexico, Southern California, or somewhere where they serve traditional tacos inmediatamente! All the songs from the album were road tested over the last 18 months across Europe at Festivals and headline shows. Sign me up. I would say that this expression is mostly used by younger generations and you can imagine how it can be a negative expression and interpreted as being very offensive. The meaning is similar to the English "Yeah, right!

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