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I spew, I cry. Imagine entering your late 20's and gaining the perspective to realize how fucked up your life and the people meant to protect you have been. Ive never heard anyone ever say this about her, most people say she is bitchy but rarely dumb. However if you're not classicaly trained it would still require a certain amount of practice and being able to tell what sounds good, what doesn't, how to layer without making an overlapping mess of noise, etc etc. She can do better tbh. Como cuando haces tu momo en un video de pornhub y le pasas el zelda v. I feel really bad. Look at her mom in her stupid fucking fur coat I do believe she's a 25 year old industry plant, BUT she is at least more of a "normal" girl than I grew up seeing as pop stars. He needs to rot in prison thinking what he has done and how he lost everything. He seems aloof and indifferent and evades all of her emotional pleas. A lot of serial killers were impotent and generally used a knife as a compensatory "penis".

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