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Thus, he will also remain at home and tend to her needs. Average female home ranges are large enough to include 20 to 30 male territories. Each hartebeest subspecies is listed under a different conservation status by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. Generally calm in nature, hartebeest can be ferocious when provoked. She was like a horny bitch. It was probably hunted in Egypt, which affected the numbers in the Levant, and disconnected it from its main population in Africa. Kongoni is often used to refer in particular to one of its subspecies, Coke's hartebeest. Gatineau …Estelle Marcoux….. At times of danger, the whole herd flees in a single file after an individual suddenly starts off. The hartebeest uses defecation as an olfactory and visual display. Gatineau …Benoit Guerette….. There is also the traditional auction.

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