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Toward an integrated framework for examining the addictive use of smartphones among young adults. Stay Connected! J Fam Pract. The distributions of continuous variables were further tested for skewness and kurtosis to assess their level of departure from a normal distribution, and the results i. Yes, now that we have entered and have seen Obama previously, we are aware of his beliefs because of past hindsight. Handbook of self and identity. LGB individuals may conceal their sexual orientation and restrict their social interaction to avoid sexual stigma and bullying. The mean level of disturbed identity on the SCIM was Factors that were significantly associated with PSU were further included in a stepwise linear regression model Table 3. Discussion The present study found that the severity of PSU at follow-up significantly decreased compared with the prepandemic severity among LGB individuals. The individuals with a maturated self-identity have clear goals in life, is willing to make commitments, and make efforts to complete developmental tasks [ 54 ], whereas the individuals with disturbed identity tend to acquire the thoughts, feelings, and beliefs of others in adulthood [ 55 ]. Prejudice, social stress, and mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual populations: conceptual issues and research evidence.

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