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MCC: Getting naked on a beach and letting my nipples roast in the sun. I also looked into Hansel and Gretel. MCC: Going out. JT: What are you looking forward to in ? JT: Miuccia or Donatella? There is just so much to see and do that I need a few days at least just to explore and see what the girls and their hot pussies on to offer me. These Ladies Fuck! I tried to do my research around the two toxic lovers in the poem: a boyfriend and his girlfriend, who he feeds for pleasure to satisfy his fat fetish. I have a lot of crackhead energy without the crack , so I feel my style replicates that too. MCC: Last week. The space has been hard whilst studying at home too - I miss the large work tables where I can lay all my fabric out and start pattern cutting. JT: What was the inspiration behind your White Show garment?

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