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Descovich conceived of the organization in the fall of , after losing a seat she had held on the Brevard County school board in a primary to former district employee Jennifer Jenkins, who campaigned against Descovich's opposition to mask mandates during the COVID pandemic and teacher raises. Was this article helpful? Retrieved January 30, Retrieved December 13, Complete Directory. Kutzera and Arnold adopted Leona Catherine, named after her grandmother and great-grandmother, on April 16 during a ceremony at the Butler County Courthouse. Archived from the original on December 10, The former SNP leader announced her shock resignation as Scotland's first minister in February, saying "in my head and in my heart" she knew it was time to step down. That may already be happening, as some bills - like a Pride flag restriction in Florida - are stalling. In , the Miami-Dade chapter of Moms for Liberty claimed credit for the removal of The Hill We Climb from a school library; the book was an adaptation of the poem of the same name by poet Amanda Gorman. I stand with that mom. Retrieved June 19,

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