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Just a guy wearing a bunch of pug-themed stuff while holding a pug dog. Wifey and her husband are having a threesome together. I like how they are so excited to have sex th[ Artists on Tumblr In an attempt to stop the phishers and spammers , the Tumblr Staff has tried many different methods to try and prevent malicious activity. Author Gavia Baker-Whitelaw pointed out that these two ships were notorious for infighting amongst other shippers in the fandom, arguing that the fact that they topped Tumblr's fandometric list suggested that shipping culture on Tumblr was still mired in controversy. Illustrations and artwork with nudity would be allowed, thought art showing sexual acts would not be permitted. Tumblr Uploaded by Philipp. Get as many people as you can to go to your site. Another user named snarp [30] posted a theory that Tumblr itself created the porn bots in order to meet a hypothetically promised number of notes for advertisers who come to their site. A commenter named Michael Edwards responded:. As with almost any major social network, many people have tried to find ways to give users viruses or gain access to their account.

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