Naked female jedi

Naked female jedi

In the latter film, it seems like she only appeared long enough to show off some impressively foregrounded cleavage, right before she was assassinated as part of Palpatine's eradication of the Jedi order. A Kel Dor Jedi Master. It is formed from the six wisest and most powerful Jedi Masters in the Order, and four representatives of the Imperial government: the head of the ISB, the Magister of the Justice Committee, the Grand Admiral of the Imperial military, and the Empress' personal Jedi advisor. She pretty quickly gets into something of a " Friends with Benefits " arrangement with Kael Skywalker and Aayla Secura, and obviously instructs Meelan Lah in how to experience pleasure through sex after accepting her as a Padawan. Login to your RedTube account! Wrench Wench : Sarza singlehandedly repairs her parents' ruined shuttlecraft albeit in a manner that will just keep it in space for a short time , constructs her own lightsaber, and assembles Essex over the course of the first story. By David Gilbert. Every Scar Has a Story : Has a blaster burn scar under her collarbone, earned when she uncovered a conspiracy of corruption. Generation Xerox : While she's only a distant relative at best, she's pretty much exactly like the original Aayla Secura. Rite of Passage : Meelan Lah explains that part of the reason she seeks to become a Nue Jedi is that she failed a Yuuzhan Vong rite of passage where teenagers go out into the wilderness to claim the loyalty of their creature tools; Meelan Lah comes to speculate that she failed to claim the loyalty of a Vonduun Crab — which serves as armor for her people — because she is destined to prove she doesn't need one by joining the Nue Jedi. Powered Armor : Imperial Paladins all wear suits of custom power armor to protect themselves and their Empress. Dual Wielding : Uses two blue-bladed lightsabers.

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