Naked jackie chan

Naked jackie chan

The Protector Search results for 'Jackie Chan movie with nude scenes? Vitaris It is The Protector -- the U. With no harness or net to catch him, he had no choice but to slide all the way down that scalding pole — a bit faster than was probably advisable — and land on the hard mable floor of the mall, injuring his pelvis and two vertebrae, nearly leaving him paralyzed. About Us. Lydecker UTC. In this famous example from 's Police Story 4: First Strike , he takes on a group of henchmen armed with a tall step ladder. Made with love in Chicago since ! Jackie Chan is an amazing performer. Flipping and whirling the ladder around in every conceivable way, Chan manages to strike, trap, and block his opponents in a fast-paced sequence that ends in surrender — and one of his most satisfying visual jokes. Also in , Jackie plays the titular character in The Accidental Spy In terms of sheer slapstick silliness, it's hard to beat this fight scene from 's The Accidental Spy.

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