Naked men in gym showers

Naked men in gym showers

My experiences are similar and some folks are just too uptight about things like this. What are the gym's policies about cleaning and disinfecting showers? Additionally, I didn't want to remove my wet swimsuit in a mixed-gender changing room. Quote: Originally Posted by Schumi To add: I'm not an athlete, nor do I take showers with athletes and I have a pretty good feeling that neither does anyone else here, so I gotta beg the question: why give a F? Your pretty slutty mom takes a sweaty shower after a session at the gym 10 min. FWIW, in my experience, the more expensive the club, the more likely a single sex area is naked. Seriously, is there any justification for segregating showers by gender? Thanks again to everyone for your help! No way would I risk being naked apart from a towel in a mixed area, so I just rinse off very briefly and go home for a proper shower. Hi everyone, I need to go to the gym for showers, as our bathroom will be unavailable for a couple of weeks due to renovations. Sign up for our Newsletter! Don't hog the shower.

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