Narcissistic daughter-in-law quotes

Narcissistic daughter-in-law quotes

Meanwhile I slept with a hammer under my bed, knowing my ex's wish to retaliate. He effectively alienated both of my children who are now grown. Still, it's exhausting and a constant battle, as he tries his utmost to obstruct and have his things his own way. Yet I thought about her all the time, thinking that if she had rung me when she was so sick, I would have rung the ambulance and come over. My father in law was a narcissist of the worst kind, and even though he's been dead a year, my spouse and I are suffering the fallout from his evil. And, it is, and always will be, about him. This involves consistent application of boundaries, maintaining open and honest communication, and focusing on positive interactions. I wish you the best. So true - let them feel like they have won…. His parents fought for him and I had nowhere to go. Only my daughter and I know what we deal with. Meet Our Review Board.

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