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Still, Naughty America's decision also reflects broader interest in 4K among content providers and distribution services more generally. Read full article Janko Roettgers. With every participating team having released their set, let's rank and grade them all. In one instance, the company swapped out the face of porn performer Zoey Monroe with that of fellow performer Blair Williams adult content, not safe for work. Selected edition. The results can be indistinguishable from unedited videos, especially if there is enough image data to properly train these algorithms. Link Copied. Subscribe to Variety Newsletters and Email Alerts! Folks at the adult entertainment company Naughty America , on the other hand, began looking into ways to make money with deepfakes. Naughty America has a script that it uses to ask customers for footage of themselves, which include specific instructions for facial expressions necessary for optimal results. Sports Yahoo Sports. Retrieved

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