Ne heartbreak video

Ne heartbreak video

Top Songs By New Edition. Similar Songs. Full Service feat. Commendable creativity was involved in the video production of this song. This left the other guys in a precarious position, because Christ who the heck would care about a pop group consisting only of Michael Bivins, Ricky Bell, and Ronnie Devoe? So we have a gateway to what New Edition have become: an adult, powerhouse pop group that knock crowds the fuck out night after night. The suits have made their money, so they replace the 19 year olds with 14 year olds who can make money for them again. One of the best lines in the song is "I'm addicted to touring and I don't know what to do, so I guess I'll take my addiction and invest it in you. The video shows all six members of the group dancing and grooving to the beat, showcasing their signature moves and choreography. One of their most popular songs, N. If you're a fan of New Edition, then you know that the group is famous for their dancing skills. I started Digital Get Down with the goal of helping people understand teen pop in a more thoughtful way, to give it a second look, to look into the lives of the artists putting their heart and soul into work most people shrug off.

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