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New on pornhub

He noted that people wanting to access pornography can simply provide the required age verification and that the bill includes privacy protections for adult users. Rather than have a government agency enforce the law, the new Kentucky relies on lawsuits from people injured by a lack of age verification for enforcement. Sports Sports. Associated Press. The bill passed unanimously and was signed by Gov. Aylo, Pornhub's parent company, said in a statement to The Courier Journal that it supports age verification but that should take place on individual devices rather than via across-the-board regulations. Kentucky is not the only state to have adopted such a law: 18 states have passed similar statutes, according to the Free Speech Coalition, an industry association. Food Food. The groups have asked the U. Business Insider. Just this week, they filed a lawsuit to block Indiana's law from taking effect next month. Shakira says she's 'not thinking' about dating: 'What space do I have for a man right….

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