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Singapore's media industry has sometimes been criticised for being overly regulated and lacking in freedom by human rights groups such as Freedom House. From July to October, there is often haze caused by bush fires in neighbouring Indonesia, usually from the island of Sumatra. What You Need To Know New Jersey's attorney general's office is looking into whether Donald Trump's recent felony convictions in New York make him ineligible to hold liquor licenses at his three New Jersey golf courses The office says it is reviewing whether Trump's conviction involving payment of hush money to a porn star and falsifying business records in an attempt to hide it should impact the former president's continued ability to hold liquor licenses State law prohibits anyone from holding a liquor licenses who has been convicted of a crime "involving moral turpitude" There was no immediate comment from Trump's campaign or his company, the Trump Organization. The most significant literature was Shahnameh by Ferdowsi , the national epic. Main articles: Persian mythology and Iranian folklore. See also: Subsidies in Iran and Banking and insurance in Iran. Singapore: National Archives of Singapore. Archived from the original on 23 September A History of Modern Singapore, — Smaller, discontinuous plains are found along the remaining coast of the Persian Gulf, the Strait of Hormuz , and Gulf of Oman. Singapore recognises that climate change and rising sea levels in the decades ahead will have major implications for its low-lying coastline. Turkic tribesmen were first used in the Abbasid army as mamluks slave-warriors ; [] and gained significant political power.

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