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A lawsuit challenging Indiana's age-verification mandate and requesting a preliminary injunction to prevent the enforcement of the law before it takes effect was filed June 10 by Aylo, Pornhub's parent company; the Free Speech Coalition; and other litigants at the federal court in Indianapolis. A new state law, set to take effect July 1, preemptively prohibits adult-oriented websites from publishing their content in Indiana unless the site employs a rigorous age-verification system to prevent individuals younger than 18 years old from accessing the website. Senate Bill 17 authorizes the Indiana attorney general to file a civil action against any adult-oriented website that doesn't use an age-verif…. Sign in. Pornhub will cease operating in five more states this summer due to new legislation that requires age verification on adult entertainment websites. Close Followed notifications. Hundreds give final salute to former Marine. Rokita complaint. In a statement posted on its website, Pornhub said that while it definitely doesn't want minors accessing its content, requiring adults to upload their driver's license, state identification card or another proof of age before accessing any adult website is a potential privacy nightmare. Yahoo Finance. Log In. Senate Enrolled Act 17 seeks to prohibit in Indiana any adult-oriented website that does not screen its users by employing an age-verification….

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