No pornhub in texas

No pornhub in texas

That came after a previous federal judge's ruling that the Texas law violated the U. He's been writing about the tech industry since for publications like Tech in Asia, Mashable, and various startup blogs. Pornhub's parent company could be subject to millions of dollars in civil penalties if it failed to abide by the law. Generally speaking, they likely will. In our case, Croatia worked just fine but of course, you can use any other location that works for you. Pornhub is no longer accessible in Texas after the state passed a controversial age verification law in You should upgrade or use an alternative browser. Brandi D. To that extent, Pornhub is also legal. I did not realize or least did not remember that this was passed in Texas. Oct 28, 4, Open the server list and find the country you want — you can also use the search bar for this purpose.

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