Non sequitur comic strip

Non sequitur comic strip

That's why we use both technology and human investigators to block fake reviews before customers ever see them. Can you list the top facts and stats about Non Sequitur comic strip? Captain Obvious : The in-universe very appropriately named Obvious Man. You've subscribed to Non Sequitur! Non Sequitur is a comic strip created by Wiley Miller credited mononymously as Wiley starting February 16, [1] and syndicated by Andrews McMeel Syndication to over newspapers. February 16, ; 32 years ago February 16, In this reality, he lives with his brother Montgomery "Monty" Pyle in a large, Victorian mansion with numerous servants including Smithers , the butler. Print Edition. I looked for it and could hardly see it. Snowed-In : Danae and Kate, along with their pets, getting snowed in kicks off a particularly bizarre storyline. Missing Mom : Danae and Kate's mother ran off with a biker while the family was on a trip to New Hampshire. She has an extreme opinion of her skills and talents and a low opinion of anyone or anything that contravenes said opinions as the "fungable" Story Arc clearly indicated.

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