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There are actually two types of Fashionista bodies! She's divorced. The Agro was definitely the best, and it looked even better when I put that layer of sparkly gold polish over it! Premium GFs. We and our advertising partners set these cookies to provide behavioural advertising and define the number of ads that will be displayed to you. Login or Sign Up now to post a comment! Fri Apr 12, pm Milf Barbi Banks sucking cock of my boyfriend by: babnic. After tossing the ones that had been given bad haircuts, were drawn on, or were missing limbs; we still had at least twelve new dolls that looked rather indecent. Bookmark the page and check updates for many girls in seconds! September 13th, , AM karenfay. She's from California. If you are in any Instagram or Facebook groups for Barbie collectors, share a picture of your doll and ask if anybody recognises it!

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