Nude scenes of celebs

Nude scenes of celebs

Her most recent in—the—raw revelations occur in The Roman Spring of Mrs. Since not showing her things in Wild , Neve has become nakedly prolific. She plays a stripper and peels to reveal just the slightest of thong panties onstage. This is the greatest lap dance anywhere, ever, period. Sally Sheffield. Although Bill Murray faces down topless Roberta Leighton in Stripes , this is his only time on—camera with a completely nude woman. With everyone involved on the same page, nudity can do so much for a movie — and we love hearing what the stars who have gotten totally naked for their roles have to say about the process. Top Categories. Ancensored Latest Clips. Short Cuts director Robert Altman ranks among the greatest of nudity-intensive filmmakers. She also plays Rogue in the X-Men movies. Because it shows vulnerability or a weakness?

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