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Writer Jessica Hopper on the value of good music journalism. Musician Johanna Warren on music, healing, and taking a moment to reset. Kirsten November 23, at am Reply. Musician and multimedia artist Dawn Richard on creating opportunities for yourself and others. Musician Astra King on embracing imperfection and the unknown. Basically I am really excited to start Christmas baking! On the upper area besides the grille, a set of circular headlamps can be seen on black housings, each one consisting of twin main lamps and an outer turn signal. Writer and literary translator Ani Gjika on remaining patient when your day job takes all your time. Actor, writer, and comic entertainer Ikechukwu Ufomadu on embracing trial and error. Musician, illustrator, and performer Christeene on the power of collective experience. A delicious but easy end of a long week- family dinner. Artist Grace Rosario Perkins on reassembling cultural narratives.

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