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Quote: Originally Posted by mmj Is it possible to add the sni bypass plugin to jdownloader? Yes, but I was asking to test docker-ctunnel with JDownloader with GUI, there you can easily setup the proxy in Settings-Connections and once this works, we can transfer the proxy settings to your NAS. Especially that part where Nokia was tied by MS and lying down at 4 while MS was at the back and Apple and Google was just about to join the rapping. I might do it once i've finished the qml re-write. I have a solution. Thanks for all your suggestions. Wow, a really pissed off lady, folks, I'm outta here :. Attach log files before and after using goodbyedpi. Well then! I have blocked the site in my country. I can confirm that Pornhub is working perfectly on PR1. I tried it on a few computers Linkgrabber but it only works fine with older versions.

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