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However, in contrast, instead of watching CSAM, individuals voluntarily participate in the search engine-prompted survey. Of the respondents, Al Jazeera. We determine if the search session reveals the exact age in which the CSAM user is interested. Many users are not just passive observers of CSAM; rather, they are sexually motivated 6. Accessing CSAM websites would raise ethical, safety, and legal concerns, even in the context of academic research. Accepted : 27 March Of those who have actively sought help to change their illicit behaviour, Sex offenders, internet child abuse images and emotional avoidance: The importance of values. They concluded that the psychiatric diagnoses should be improved to include the following: sexually attracted to children younger than 11 paedophilic type , sexually attracted to children aged 11—14 hebephilic type , or sexually attracted to both pedohebephilic type. Pedophilia, hebephilia, and the DSM-V. Some seek help through Tor, and self-help websites are popular.

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