Panam sex scene

Panam sex scene

Verified Amateurs 71, As the name might suggest, Joytoys are Night City's sex workers. This will lead to a meet-up with Meredith later on. Interactive Your email address will never be shared or sold. In order to romance her, we set up a chronological timeline for you to follow in order to make Panam Palmer all yours. Cancel Send. Inline Feedbacks. After you have completed infiltration Mikoshi, you will have the option to go full Nomad and join the Aldecaldos permanently for the rest of your life. You'll first meet Rogue during the main story quest, Ghost Town. Just head back to town, do a few sidejobs or gigs and wait for her to call you. You will do the Ghost Town mission together in order to get her car back and once that is done you will have two more quests with her.

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