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Please go here to create a Fandom account. He once mentioned in a Snapchat message being in his senior year of college. He has a Facebook account under the name Charles White which is inactive. In a minute video response, DarkViper accused Charlie of trying to twist the narrative by misrepresenting what the document said, and using his larger audience to give only his side of the debate. The winners were announced in the comments of the third video, and Charlie still regularly uses this channel to watch YouTube videos during his YouTube nights on Twitch. Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. Charlie once reacted to Arcade Craniacs and sarcastically mocked them due to them being cringy and similar to ImJayStation , not realizing that the channel was satire. The game's goal was to control the movements of an athlete to produce a running stance to complete a dash. Genghis Swan is Charlie's pseudonym as an accidental award-winning writer. We're gonna be playing some [name of game]. In May , Charlie's video featuring a pit of 5, balls he made for his husky Tetra went viral, causing the Press Association to interview him about it and various media outlets to report on it. However unlike other streamers , Charlie showed very little interest on the Beta storyline, enemies and media itself.

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