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There is a surfeit of skanky anorexic white boys in porn and no one seems to complain. Black gay porn is the most search for porn on pornhub but I guess your fake ass phoney metrics don't count that. Not to say the other way happens as well. Past 24 hours. These studios know damn well what's up and that they partially control beauty standards. Most of the models at Men. But as a viewer of porn and a resident of Chelsea who has dealt with Lucas personally, I can say he is universally horrendous. Prove they run on metrics? Kuper is such a shit stirrer. You love to see it. If you can't find the email you can resend it here. He also doesn't appear himself that much these days and I think has official retired from appearing and I wouldn't say his directed scenes are especially degrading - there are some rough ones, but also some romantic ones.

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