Porn sleep sister

Porn sleep sister

She lay there naked beside my cousin, her pussy gapping and leaking my sperm. I got hard instantly, and was read to go, she pulled her pants down and I ate her pussy for like 2 seconds, just enough to get it wet and then shoved my dick in her beautiful pussy. Until me. Just after 9, 3 men arrived. I got back to my house with Lisa in bed at about 5am, with her all lined up to hostess my family around the area for the weekend. I could make out her swollen stiff nipples through her blouse, the way they poked the material. We sat there a full minute not saying anything. She's a country girl who's quite shy but made the first move on me back when we started, and from that point on things were great. She hesitantly did. One night after she finished and sat drinking at the bar I drove her home, and when she went to kiss me goodnight on the cheek she tried to kiss me. This was the first time I was inside a pussy and It was magnificent, I waited so long and it was better than i ever though. Her pussy, ass, and tits are very nice.

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