Pornhub abuse

Pornhub abuse

By Christopher Solomon. Adult performers and producers have been advocating for some of these changes for years, ever since sex video sites dramatically changed internet porn. Former porn star: Contracts 'prey on young girls'. Related Topics. A New York Times investigation accused the site of being "infested" with child-abuse and rape-related videos. Most Popular. Visa said it is "aware of the allegations" and was "actively engaging" with relevant financial institutions and MindGeek to investigate. Earlier this year, BBC News told the story of Rose Kalemba , who was raped at the age of 14 and then had to struggle to have a video of the attack removed from Pornhub. In your inbox: Get Plaintext —Steven Levy's long view on tech. Mastercard and Visa said they were investigating their business relationship with Pornhub and parent company MindGeek. But Bowe and fellow attorney Lauren Tabaksblat told Fox News Digital that the documentary presents an incoherent juxtaposition between adult content creators who want to work with Pornhub and rape victims who were exploited by the company. Inside the biggest FBI sting operation in history.

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