Pornhub advertisers

Pornhub advertisers

Top Right Square. It involved 1 cent donation for every 30 videos watched in Small Tits and Big Tits categories. User clicks to play a video A new browser window opens A request is sent to the TrafficJunky ad platform An ad is served and makes a request to a decoy dating site A redirect immediately loads the browser locker There was a domain recipesonline[. Even though the templates are half finished, the threat actor is spending time creating a large inventory they can cycle through in their redirects towards browser lockers. Desktop: Available. Antivirus campaigns. Beginnings This browser locker campaign started well before showing up on PornHub[. Fake advertising infrastructure Because this is a long running campaign, the infrastructure is fairly large but tends to reuse the same naming convention for domains. This sequence of events can be summarized in the traffic capture below: A key part of this malvertising chain is the use of many different fake dating portals that are hiding the redirection mechanism for the browser locker. But Why? Savy marketing, a close cooperation with adult industry, data analysis on viewership, numerous infographics construct the image of a real brand. The scammers created those fake identities to redirect traffic away from the adult platforms onto pages showing bogus alerts claiming users were infected with pornographic spyware.

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