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Obscene publication Every person who publishes or offers for sale any obscene book, writing or representation, shall be liable to imprisonment for two years. Production or storage for the purpose of distribution or advertising or distribution, advertising, broadcast or public display of pornographic materials, printed publications, images, films, videos or scenes of pornographic content, other items of a pornographic nature, committed for mercenary reasons or by an organized group, or likewise, distribution, advertising, broadcast or demonstration of pornographic materials, printed publications, images, films, videos or scenes of pornographic content, or other items of a pornographic nature, to a minor, committed by a person who has reached the age of eighteen, shall be punishable by restriction of freedom for a term of two to four years or imprisonment for the same term. United Arab Emirates. A person who makes a profession or habit out of committing any of the offences described in paragraph 1 shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to a fine of category four. Pornography which does not involve bestiality is legal when sold in public places. June Learn how and when to remove this message. Express tribune. Pornographic films in Hong Kong are referred to as Category III films , after the territory's motion picture rating system. It has three parts:. Perverse actions. Lists of countries by laws and law enforcement rankings. Republic of South Africa.

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