Pornhub banned in montana

Pornhub banned in montana

That will keep the teenagers off the platform while allowing senators and congressmen to get their fill of what seems like young women to them. This comes in response to a new law requiring those in the state to verify their age to access pornographic material online. I do wonder if the extra friction to accessing the content will just cause a spike in use of VPNs, use of shadier sites, etc. You are also agreeing to our. If you want to buy wine online, then we ask you to verify your age. As far as I know, there is simply no way for a person's age to be certified that doesn't at the same time destroy their rights to privacy. Instead of using age checks in impacted states, Pornhub has opted for a different approach, barring access from those states altogether. You notably skipped "anti-Christian. Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground. Pornhub is now unavailable in a total of six states, including Mississippi, Montana, North Carolina, Utah, and Virginia. Tribal communities have for decades been an essential part of the voter base that gives Montana Democrats the ability to make competitive bids for statewide office. Share this: Twitter Facebook Email.

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