Pornhub banned in virginia

Pornhub banned in virginia

Utah and Virginia are not alone. He has covered the intersection between politics and emerging technology, such as artificial intelligence. ExpressVPN Digital Privacy Advocate Lauren Hendry Parsons said there are potential privacy concerns associated with uploading personal information through required age-verification methods. Louise Lucas Pornhub site down vpn. Most Read. Stanley Jr. Users will be met with a message opposing the legislation, accompanied by a video featuring porn actress Cherie Deville reading it. Since a new law went into effect this July, pornography websites in Virginia have been required to more rigorously verify whether a person is 18 or over before allowing them to access adult content. State trooper struck during traffic stop near Fairfax Co. Glenn Youngkin signed a bill Friday night that requires users to verify they are 18 years old through advanced verification methods to enter pornographic websites. Dress For The Weather. Virginians likely will be disappointed the next time they try to access Pornhub.

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