Pornhub banned virginia

Pornhub banned virginia

Ahead of new age verification law, Pornhub blocks access in Virginia. Podcast: How We Got Here. A trade group for the adult entertainment industry, the Free Speech Coalition, notes similar laws passing in Texas, Montana, and Arkansas, with legislation being introduced — but failing to pass — in several other states. Supporters of the new laws say they are needed to prevent minors from accessing pornographic content online. Woman charged in DC hospital carjacking denied showers in jail, lawyer says. Henrico man dies after shooting near Byrd Park. Share This: share on facebook share on X share on threads share on linkedin share on email print. Digital Marketing. Kekesi added that Pornhub is consulting its legal team and "reviewing options," adding: "This is not the end. News reporter based in London, U. The law requires pornography websites to use age verification technology to more stringently determine whether a person is 18 or older to gain access to the site. He is a graduate of Oxford University.

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