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Alice and Domino are associated by the colour purple of Alice's sheets and Domino's dress. Kubrick liked pushing the boundaries, and overamplification and exaggeration are elements of satire. Steven is an activist and an irrepressible extrovert who can talk his way into nearly anything; he was determined to break down the barriers for trans and nonbinary people in all places, even decades-old bathhouses. Interesting to view Kubrick films through the lens of satire, whether they are overtly so, or more subtly. I stayed submerged, and when the fifteen-minute timer turned off the jets, I popped up and hit the switch again. And how inconvenienced and irritated he is when Bill says she should stay there for another hour to recover from her overdose when Ziegler wants to shuffle her out the backdoor right away? Or is Ziegler the deceitful nobleman, and Giselle is Mandy, the peasant girl? Such cross-connections between names and associated substories further exemplify the scope of Kubrick's artistic vision. Alice sits at the table in front of a television. Other songs are used in ironic ways; "When I Fall in Love" and "It Had to be You" are played by the band at Ziegler's house party while Bill and Alice are shown flirting with other people. I am very happy to know that he considered Eyes Wide Shut his greatest contribution to the art of filmmaking—and I think he is the only judge that matters. The illogical seems more logical then.

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