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While her work in porn helped fuel her political beliefs, Weeks says she began developing her ideology earlier in life. One of the biggest problems people have with Knox is that she gets paid, a. In this capacity, Weeks said she brings speakers to campus, attends conferences and seminars, posts flyers, and maintains a presence for the group at school events. The content in the following videos may be sensitive for viewers. The women make 20 times more than the male performers, is that fair? This is Belle. Probably best to let someone else decide. In a phone conversation with Business Insider on Monday, Weeks discussed how her adult film career influenced her libertarian activism. Fifth Truth: Doing porn temporarily will dig you deeper down the pornographic hole. And I don't fit that narrative because I am doing really positive things, like really cool academic and positive things," Weeks said. Listen Now. You will have to tell me which scene that was.

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