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Sign in. The pair began posting homemade sex tapes on Pornhub a few months ago, after years of watching small-penis porn together. Some years ago, while dating a woman who chose him as her first sexual partner, Jose somehow wound up discussing his size with her. Big-Dick Problems As for Stone, he thinks the porn stars who pack the most seem to excessively rest on their laurels. All rights reserved. As for Stone, he thinks the porn stars who pack the most seem to excessively rest on their laurels. He's covered the arts and culture, sex and relationships, business and tech, history and politics and other topics for Rolling Stone, Vice, Vulture, CityLab, Quartz, Narratively and many more publications. You gotta be on your toes. The good news is, maybe our cock-size obsession is all just a cultural phase. If anything, it was the small phallus that was a sign of intelligence and distinction. I gauge my success on how my community reacts to it. People would ask him, however, what was in the background of his videos, which was often a handful of cattle or farm equipment.

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