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And if I am, they did this to me. Thank you for supporting The Atlantic. Search The Atlantic. Before the cruise is finished, I talk to Mr. There are several families who present as evangelical Christians or practicing Muslims on the ship. Inside the AquaDome, one can find a food hall and an acrobatic sound-and-light aquatic show. But instead I head to my mall suite, take off my meatball T-shirt, and allow the first tears of the cruise to roll down my cheeks slowly enough that I briefly fall asleep amid the moisture and salt. I sat at the bar for a martini and two Negronis. I have enough material to fulfill my duties to this publication. Instead, I ordered another drink and the couple did the same, and I told him that Rand and I were born in the same city, St. More to the point, no one takes note of me. Crew members from every part of the global South, as well as a few Balkans, are shepherding us along while pressing flutes of champagne into our hands.

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