Pornhub blind

Pornhub blind

Audio porn has been around for years too, but it's often one actor talking through a sexual situation or coaxing the listener to climax—almost like a conversation, leaving more room for imagination. Even when it's not being marketed toward the blind, the genre of " audio porn " has gained an audience on Tumblr in recent years. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. Tanner—who watches most types of porn, but isn't very interested in gay and anal—estimates he has seen about 90 percent of Pornhub's narrated content. Some pornographic films come with audio descriptions, but Rob says that the voiceover - usually delivered in a serious tone - can often ruin the moment. Read more about the online porn industry. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below. One could imagine that simply listening to the audible groans of normal porn might feel weird without the corresponding visuals. At our book club, though, it was me who had to acknowledge my ignorance. In , Lisa J. Narration is performed by a handful of male and female readers who describe the action of the video in level voices. Earlier this year, it implemented HTTPS encryption , making it safer to peruse its highly sensitive content.

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