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Jon Brodkin Jon has been a reporter for Ars Technica since and covers a wide array of telecom and tech policy topics. Pratt is still at large. Others redirect the visitor to third-party paysites, such as JerkMate. One of the girls gave me her number and told me to come back when I was done working, which I did. GirlsDoPorn was using fraud, intimidation, and coercion are part of its regular business practices until the criminal charges were filed in October , MindGeek's ignorance of the sex trafficking is a direct result of its own negligence, which still triggers Section liability. The viewer only cares about the fantasy of the seduction and the accompanying visuals. Nor can we build large sets and pay a lot for extras to stand in the background. At least some of the Jane Does' videos were still on MindGeek sites this month, the complaint said:. Pornhub's purge of millions of videos, presumably including many of the videos in which the plaintiffs appeared, was announced on December For most of us, our everyday interactions with strangers often involve service people. She sent a second request that month asking MindGeek to remove the video from Tube8. Please im begging you please ill pay!

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