Pornhub business

Pornhub business

Pornhub, the leading online adult entertainment platform, turned 10 years old Thursday. Attorney General Rokita defends age verification for porn websites. Jump to latest Follow Reply. Very unlikely they will get caught. Back to top Home News Royals U. It's really sad to me that our politicians and other people pushing for this kind of regulation think that viewing naked people online, even having sex, is more damaging to "the children" than seeing people's guts splayed out all over the place on TV and video games, heads chopped off with blood spurting everywhere, getting limbs chopped off, using machine guns to kill people, seeing kids severely bullied at school, and so on. Prosecutors claimed that the superstar failed to pay taxes in Spain despite being a resident in the country for four years before I think the questioner was looking for solutions that have no authority. And nothing was done. Teenage violence was often connected back in the days with violent scenes in specific movies. It's a lot more tempting to get more information than just age, if you go through the hassle in the first place. Broadband TV News.

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