Pornhub chastity slave

Pornhub chastity slave

Top Posters. I also think just masturbating under her watchful eye would be humiliating. Your owner is getting into the spirit of things. Howdy all, I have a scheduled release coming up here soon and my keyholder and I are interested in finding additional humiliating ways to cum when your unlocked from chastity. Caged for life Long term member. Caged4Sazz , maiden sissypanies and Freaky Rabbit like this. My pussy is rather tight so my slave ordered a 15 cm dildo which should do the trick. My femdom took videos of me with her phone like these that she shared with her girlfriends and posted on porn sites. Show Ignored Content. To sum it all up: A week of being locked in chastity has had a wonderful effect on my slave - and I am beginning to regret I promised only to lock him up for two weeks! Caged4Sazz , maiden sissypanies , DriftingHumanoid and 5 others like this. Deleted member Guest.

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