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Latest News. Both Brazil and Germany reached the semi-finals with an undefeated record in the competition, with the Brazilians' quarter-final with Colombia causing them to lose forward Neymar to injury, and defender and captain Thiago Silva to accumulation of yellow cards. Tools Tools. R7 Rede Record. During my teenage years, I practiced kung fu. The link to the blog was removed from Google's Brazilian home page Tuesday. For eight months in , Vaz regularly went to the embassy after work to learn Chinese from the diplomat. Brazil scored a consolation goal through Oscar in the last minute, ending the match 7—1. I believe a lot of good things will come out of this," Vaz said. Xu Lin was so impressed that she invited him and members of his China Culture Study Group to visit China for three weeks. But the controversies his statements create and the further polarisation of society that follows in their wake also serve to distract from facts about his career that clash with the myth dear to his supporters. Germany were unchanged from their quarter-final.

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