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Pornhub com english

The New York Post. Retrieved 14 June Archived from the original on 15 June The company has been criticized for slow or inadequate responses to these incidents. Authorities and organizations throughout the world have implemented a variety of measures and strategies to restrict access to and use of Pornhub. As of [update] , MindGeek's mobile pornography websites handled millions of visits each day in North America; [91] they were awarded the "Future Mobile Award for Mobile Adult Services" by Juniper Research in Archived from the original on 22 June For Arbour Day , Pornhub launched a weeklong environmental campaign called "Pornhub Gives America Wood", [99] which started on 25 April and ended on 2 May The founder of Not Your Porn reported that fifty women contacted her over a six-month period about non-consensual online pornography featuring them, thirty of whom reported that the videos were uploaded to Pornhub. In May the Open Rights Group , a UK-based digital rights campaigning organization, criticized MindGeek's record on data security and commented: "Allowing pornographic sites to own and operate age verification tools leads to a conflict of interest between the privacy interests of the user, and the data mining and market interests of the company. Retrieved 14 December Retrieved 17 April

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