Pornhub com t

Pornhub com t

It is indisputable though that age verification laws regarding porn have been in place in the country for many decades. Or as we are likely to get, you can have a system that is both easily compromised and does not have zero knowledge, and the age verification industry is simply engaged in industrial scale lying to try and get themselves written into law Why does it matter? What if you want to fix a bug in the protocol or upgrade it? Or if it turns into a praise situation, I have just as few qualms about going there. The company blames a new Nebraska state law requiring it to check the IDs of people using its site or hire another company to do so. You can either have a zero knowledge system where the tokens are immediately compromised and widely shared that provides no authentication whatsoever, or you can have a system that has the ability to revoke compromised tokens that is not zero knowledge. Titty visible - bad, dead schoolkids - ok. This couldn't be bypassed with something like a VPN which you probably couldn't install with parental controls on anyway , because it would be baked into the client. PornHub doesn't argue against age verification, it criticizes the poorly designed implementation. I think the questioner was looking for solutions that have no authority. In my country Sweden we do not have a specific age restricting law regarding purchasing porn.

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